Coating Pan


Rotary Tablet Press Machine Manufacturers in Ahmedabad

Pramukh Pharma Tech is the best Rotary Tablet Press Machine manufacturers in Ahmedabad. You can select from a range of products to make sure that all of your needs are met, this even includes the Rotary Tablet Press Machine, Tablet Compression Machine, Double Sided Rotary Tablet Press Machine, Fluid Bed Dryer Machine, FBD Machine, Rapid Mixer Granulator Machine, RMG Machine, Tablet Coating Pan Machine, Mass Mixer Machine, Tray Dryer Machine, Octagonal Blender Machine, and Double Cone Blender Machine. be care-free about the quality and price of these machine.

We are the most reliable Tablet Compression Machine suppliers in Gujarat. Everything that you get from us is supplied in brand-new, pre-tested, and well-maintained condition so you can have the guarantee that there are no issues in the future that you have to face with our machines. When you order from us you also get a small guide with basic instructions. We always give priority to the demands of our valuable customers. We make sure that none of our customers have to face issues regarding the machines that we provide.

Consider us for all the needs of your Fluid Bed Dryer Machine exporters from India. We have a large customer base which is why we have deployed the customer care service that is 24/7 available for our customers they can easily get in contact with us if they are having any issues, so please don't worry if you feel any difficulties while ordering products or learning about their features and benefits. We are a company that is renowned in the industry as we have been the early starters in this sector.

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Industries We Serve

Manufacturer & Exporter of Pharmaceutical Machineries


Pramukh Pharma Tech provides a comprehensive, all-in-one solution for the oral solid dosage line and tablet manufacturing, serving the global pharmaceutical industry. Our growth and expertise have been fueled by invaluable feedback and suggestions from our customers throughout the years.


Ayurveda, rooted in the historical traditions of the Indian subcontinent, has expanded its influence worldwide through the modernization of its traditional practices. Today, Ayurvedic and herbal medicines have garnered popularity in numerous countries across the globe.


The cosmetic industry utilizes various machines and equipment throughout the manufacturing and packaging processes to ensure efficiency, precision, and quality. These machines are used for blending and mixing raw ingredients to create formulations for skincare products, creams, lotions, and other cosmetic items.


The chemical industry plays a pivotal role in producing a vast array of products that significantly impact nearly every aspect of our daily lives. Our tablet presses have emerged as the preferred choice for leading Indian and international chemical companies, particularly in the high-volume production of chemical tablets.


A nutraceutical refers to a substance derived from food or constituting a part of food that offers medical or health benefits, encompassing both the prevention and treatment of diseases. The term "nutraceutical" is a fusion of "nutrient," denoting a nourishing food component.


Confectionery foods hold a substantial portion of the food industry, thanks to ongoing product innovations in formulations, processing techniques, and tableting. Our line of Granulation and tableting machines is well-suited for the efficient production of confectionery candy tablets.

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Our Products

Pramukh Pharma Tech is dedicated to the development of pharmaceutical machinery across diverse sectors, including Pharmaceuticals, Ayurvedic, Chemicals, Bulk Drugs, Cosmetics, and Food Industries. Positioned as a premier manufacturer, Pramukh Pharma Tech specializes in crafting tablet and granulation section machinery, along with providing laboratory model equipment catering to the pharmaceutical industry, research institutions, and educational establishments.

Rotary Tablet Press Machine

Rotary Tablet Press Machine

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Tablet Compression Machine

Tablet Compression Machine

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Fluid Bed Dryer Machine

Fluid Bed Dryer Machine

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Rapid Mixer Granulator Machine

Rapid Mixer Granulator Machine

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RMG Machine

RMG Machine

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Mass Mixer Machine

Mass Mixer Machine

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Our offerings receive widespread acclaim for their seamless performance, user-friendly operation, minimal maintenance requirements, and sturdy build. The founder of our company, along with the core management team, emphasizes the concept of the company as a unified team rather than a mere assembly of individuals. Prioritizing the success of the team over individual achievements is a core belief. All individuals within the company, regardless of their roles, are expected to collaborate and engage with one another in a cooperative and objective manner, always mindful of the collective goals of the team.

We prioritize and highly value teamwork within our organization. Our guiding philosophy revolves around the fundamental belief that each completed project should effectively meet the client's requirements, embody efficiency in both concept and design, and uphold a commitment to value orientation.

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